There is no better way than knowledge sharing and networking to build business opportunities and take advantages from the market: these are our pillars to boost our growth! CIO Club Italia is the first Italian Association for C-levels and Managers working into the IT segment: thanks to live events, webinars and training opportunities our members are constantly on the verge of the last technology trends.
Thanks to a 15 months massive activity, CIO CLUB ITALIA becomes part of “Repubblica Digitale”, the Italian national strategic initiative promoted by the Department for digital transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to spread the digital inclusion and transformation of the entire Italian Country.
Such a great achievement has been possible mainly thanks to a skilled and focused board able to introduce initiatives, solutions and innovations meaningful for the CIOs and their company's business.
The association plans meetings at different levels each year:

- Meetings with producers of innovative technologies and solutions
- Training courses for members and non-members
- Networking to finalize partnerships
- Manufacturers plants visits
- Meetups with technology "gurus"
- Meetings with technology startups
- Survey to target club members' interests and expectations
- Updates via weekly newsletters and talk shows.
Our program
The guide lines
Therefore, the CIO Club Italia declares that its social purpose consists in encouraging the spread of digitalization as a common enabling tool for innovation, and intends to contribute with its activities to fill economic and gender inequalities in our work sector and, above all, to spend itself on converting poor market professionalism into others suitable for adapting to change.
The organization chart
The administrative one regulates the management of the Association in compliance with the regulatory dictation, the scientific one has consultative power with the presidency and supports it for the harmonization of communication, training and information contents with the themes of the program and the objectives of the association.

The details
The commitment will be mainly aimed at analyzing experience, training and level of education, and salaries, to identify opportunities for career development and suggest possible paths for professional growth.
Also from a business point of view, this work will be useful, suggesting appropriate strategies to attract and retain talent, providing benchmarks that guarantee competitive offers.
Another point of great commitment will be the establishment of Technical Tables on the four most pressing issues of the technological scenario, especially in the light of the PNRR: Cybersecurity, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing.
Clearly, a program so full of ideas and so demanding will involve all the members who want to make themselves available to participate in each of the technical tables or in any other task provided for by the organization chart.
They will be published through the weekly newsletter and on the website of the association of calls for specific applications and will also be published through posts on our social channels to ensure that more and more professionals can be interested in the work of the association.
Relations with national and international universities and research institutions will be fundamental and we will also be open to the participation from abroad of CIO and, in general, other professionals in the IT sector.
Our goal is to be able to compare ourselves with our counterparts in other countries too for a fruitful exchange of experiences and best practices.
Our Targets

Being on the verge of last tech innovations, the Club offer to his members on job training sessions partnering with high end providers.
Press, social platforms, webinars and face to face events build the backbone of our activities to bring Club’s members in touch with vendors and business opportunities.

We support the matching between industries requirements and professionals skills to boost the growth of the IT in Italy.

With the C level mindset, we support ICT professionals in their every day duties.
Thanks to a broad network of partners, Club’s members are constantly updated on converging and emerging technologies.
- Campania, Main headquarter
- Abruzzo
- Sicily, headquarter located at Meccatronica Valley
- Lazio, headquarter located at Acquario Romano